Please fill in all the relevant fields if you wish to make a reservation.
Our telephone number is +27 (0)43 841 1046 or +27 (0)83 285 4773.

    Please obtain a reservation number prior to banking.
    Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

    Banking Details
    Account Holder:Strandloper Ecotourism Board
    Branch:Vincent Park East London
    Branch Code:12 06 21
    Swift Code:NEDSZAJJ
    Account Number:1206 018 399
    Account Type:Current/Cheque

    This form will be e-mailed to us immediately and we will be in contact with you within 48 hours. All details are regarded as strictly confidential. If your browser does not support forms or if you do not wish to submit your information over the internet, please send an email with all the relevant information to secure your booking.